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56 Mayors of the Vicenza area

“Stop the horror in the Middle East”

di Marco Scorzato
“We condemn all acts of violence, whether by Hamas or the Israeli army. Unacceptable massacres that call upon all of us.”
In Gaza search for survivors among the rubble after Israeli bombings
In Gaza search for survivors among the rubble after Israeli bombings
In Gaza search for survivors among the rubble after Israeli bombings
In Gaza search for survivors among the rubble after Israeli bombings

What is happening in Israel and Palestine in these months cannot and must not be ignored. It is a horror that calls out to all of us, and no one can turn away from it. It is a cry of pain, a heartfelt plea for a ceasefire in the Middle East, signed by 56 mayors from the province of Vicenza. The list includes the names of mayors from different political backgrounds, ranging from the Democratic Party to the Lega (League), from Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) to Forza Italia, and including mayors affiliated with civic groups, more or less aligned with the center-right or center-left.
"Our call for peace and an immediate ceasefire," explain the mayors in the appeal, "is based on a democratic political approach that distances itself from the forms of violence witnessed in recent days in our capital, and aims to stimulate the consciences of every citizen. With this spirit, we mayors, representatives of local communities, aware of the fundamental importance of peace for the growth of every country, condemn all acts of violence: those carried out by Hamas terrorists against hostages and unarmed civilians in southern Israel and those repeatedly perpetrated by the Israeli army against thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, leading to an unacceptable massacre of minors and innocent people."
The appeal, with Franco Balzi, the mayor of Santorso, a long-time advocate for peace and human rights, as its first signatory, is supported by a large group of his colleagues, including mayors of Catholic and secular beliefs, as well as a Muslim, Moreno Marsetti, from Malo. Among the signatories are also the mayor of the capital city, Giacomo Possamai, and those of four other major municipalities: Valter Orsi (Schio), Giancarlo Acerbi (Valdagno), Gianantonio Michelusi (Thiene), and Pier luigi Giacomello (Lonigo).
"It is necessary and urgent to strongly demand a cessation of hostilities," continue the 56 mayors. "The international community, the European Union, our institutions must intervene and persuade the stakeholders on both sides to build a stable humanitarian truce, useful for stopping the violence and laying the groundwork for true pacification. This tragic chapter in history calls on all of us, and therefore, we cannot remain silent and inactive. As mayors," they conclude, "we want to firmly express our position and urge whatever is necessary to end this horror.

(GdV, venerdì 26 gennaio)