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The story

From factory to OnlyFans “I’m not selling my body”

The factory girl Desy Moonshine, the stage name used on OnlyFans
The factory girl Desy Moonshine, the stage name used on OnlyFans
The factory girl Desy Moonshine, the stage name used on OnlyFans
The factory girl Desy Moonshine, the stage name used on OnlyFans

"Everyone is free to do what they want with their own body. I have never donated mine to strangers. They are just photos." Destined for OnlyFans, the online platform born in the USA, exploded in 2020, where, by paying, you can access more or less spicy photos, or provocative and over-the-top videos. "I joined during the pandemic. I had been out of work and didn't know how to make ends meet. Now I make extra money," says Desy Moonshine - stage name - 31 years old, from Caldogno. "I had been posing for artistic nude photos for years. I met some really talented professionals. I still remember the first time; the photographer was a friend of mine, I loved the shots very much. I felt good about myself. We women can redeem ourselves if we know we have this freedom."
Desy is not afraid of other people's judgment. Born and raised in Dueville, she now lives in Caldogno, where she works in a factory. "In the province, people's mentality is very closed. I've always ignored other people's opinions. Gossip is always the order of the day here: to work on OnlyFans you have to have a certain character. You're on the internet: you know you'll be noticed sooner or later and people will talk." Supporting her in this choice are "friends, who clearly wouldn't be friends otherwise. Then my parents, who fortunately have an open mind and an artistic nature. And my boyfriend, who can't wait to shoot videos with me." Setting up the photo shoot overall, between preparation and shots, requires "an hour or two a day. The set responds to the clients' requests, which are always specific: some want to see you as a 'dark lady', others dressed up as a cheerleader."
There are also more extravagant requests: "Many have a foot fetish. It's a real obsession." "Subscribers" to an OnlyFans profile to view the content pay a monthly package ranging from 5 to 50 euros; to have more spicy photos that meet specific fantasies, they must contact the creators with a private message, express their desire, and pay more. "These are lonely or insecure men. Or those who don't have time for a social life," explains Desy. "It's important to pamper them and establish a human relationship. The closer they feel to you emotionally, the more they become loyal, as in any sector. Most of them really get attached. I've been sexually harassed more on Facebook than on OnlyFans." Desy emphasizes that it has been "made as safe as possible. When you sign up - naturally you have to be of legal age - you have to upload a photo showing your ID card." Even the data regarding bank accounts and money transactions are protected with advanced technologies. "If you feature another person in a video or photo, you have to sign a release," she adds. "It's all under control."
But how much do you earn on OnlyFans? "It depends on the time you dedicate to it and the visibility you have: on the following, gathered on Instagram, which is like a shop window. There are people who earn up to 15,000 euros a month, but that's not my case. I earn much less."

(GdV, lunedì 8 aprile)

Anna Rossi